
CM Archive









Book Reviews by TITLE

-- Q --

Quarantine at Alexander Abraham's
Fiona McHugh
Reviewed by Pat Steenbergen
Grades 4-7 / Ages 9-12
1991 November

The Quarter-Pie Window
Marianne Brandis
Reviewed by Elizabeth Woodger
Grades 7-9 / Ages 12-14
1986 May

Klaus Matthes and Mia Matthes
Reviewed by Carol L. Smith
All Ages
1982 November

Sherman Hines
Reviewed by Kenneth A. Elliott
All Ages
1984 March

Quebec 1759: the Siege and the Battle
C. P. Stacey
Reviewed by Kenneth A. Elliott
1984 November

Quebec Before Duplessis: The Political Career of Louis-Alexandre Taschereau
Bernard L. Vigod
Reviewed by John Harkness
Grades 12 and up
1986 July

Quebec, the Fortified City: From the 17th to the 19th Century
André Charbonneau, Yvon Deloges and March Lafrance
Reviewed by Carol L. Smith
1983 July

Quebec and its Historians 1840 to 1920
Serge Gagnon
Reviewed by Keith Wilson
Grades 12 and up
1983 July

Québec: a History 1867-1929
René Durocher, Paul-André Linteau and Jean-Claude Robert
Reviewed by Kenneth A. Elliott
Grades 11 and up
1983 September

Québec je t'aime / I Love You
Miyuki Tanobe
Reviewed by Dale Simmons
Grades 1 and up / Ages 6 and up
1985 May

Quebec Science Education: Which Directions?
Reviewed by Kenneth A. Elliott
1982 November

Quebec: Social Change and Political Crisis, 3rd Ed.
Kenneth McRoberts
Reviewed by Thomas F. Chambers
Post Secondary
1988 November

The Quebecois Dictionary
Léandre Bergeron
Reviewed by Kenneth A. Elliott
Grades 5 and up
1983 March

Queen of the Headaches
Sharon Butala
Reviewed by donalee Moulton-Barrett
Grades 11 and up
1986 May

The Queen Who Stole the Sky
Jennifer Garrett
Reviewed by André Gagnon
Preschool-grade 2 / Ages 3-7
1986 September

The Queen's Secret
Charles Templeton
Reviewed by David Chadwick
Grades 10 and up
1987 January

The Quest for Justice: Aboriginal Peoples and Aboriginal Rights
Menno Boldt and J. Anthony Long (Edited by)
Reviewed by Lois Hird
Grades 10 and up
1986 March

A Question of Courage
Irene Morck
Reviewed by Dave Jenkinson
Grades 5 to 9
1989 January

A Question of Loyalty
Barbara Greenwood
Reviewed by Pauline Henaut
Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
1985 May

A Question of Murder: An Inspector Charlie Salter Mystery
Eric Wright
Reviewed by Louise Griffith
Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
1989 September

Quiet Complicity
Victor Levant
Reviewed by Walter Kalyn
Grades 11 and 12
1987 November

Quikaaluktut: Images of Inuit Life
Ruth Annaqtuusi Tulurialik and David F. Pelley
Reviewed by Patricia Sentance
Grades 6 and up
1986 July

The Quilicos, Louis, Gino and Lina: An Operatic Family
Ruby Mercer
Reviewed by Gary Robertson
Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
1991 October

Quincy Rumpel
Betty Waterton
Reviewed by Diane Harke
Grades 4-8 / Ages 9-13
1985 March

Quincy Rumpel and the Mystifying Experience
Betty Waterton
Reviewed by B. Henley
Grades 4-6 / Ages 9-11
1994 September

Quincy Rumpel and the Sasquatch of Phantom Cove
Betty Waterton
Reviewed by Adele M. Fasick
Grades 4-6 / Ages 9-11
1991 September

Quizzing Canada
Sandra Martin
Reviewed by Lynne McAvoy
Grades 11 and up
1989 January






The materials in this archive are copyright © The Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission Copyright information for reviewers

Young Canada Works