
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Tulurialik, Ruth Annaqtuusi and David F. Pelly.

Toronto, Oxford University Press, c1986. unpaged, cloth, $2455, ISBN 0-19-540505-6. CIP

Grade 6 and up
Reviewed by Patricia Sentance

Volume 14 Number 4
1986 July

This work is the result of a collaboration between Inuit artist Ruth Annaqtuusi Tulurialik and author David Pelly. It combines drawings and stories that give an impression of the Inuit way of life, focusing on everyday activities, such as fishing, hunting, or play. It reflects the deep spiritual connection of the people to the land, the animals, and the mystical centre of their universe.

Tulurialik's purpose in creating the book was to record, for her children and the qablunat (white man), something of the old ways, something of a culture that is slowly disappearing.

The word "qikaaluktut" refers to "the sounds of people passing by, perhaps ouŁ-side your iglu,heard but not seen." These sounds emerge through the colourful drawings that show the richness of life in one of the harshest environments on the planet. There is much to be discovered in a single picture, yet the tone of the entire book is subtle and full of the colours of life, death, joy, and sorrow. It is a memorable, if somewhat haunting work, which is also graced by Tulurialik's gentle sense of humour.

This is a coffee table book and probably a luxury item for most libraries. Its focus is limited, in the sense that there may not be a great demand for this type of material in general collection. It has a strong cultural value, however, that should not be ignored. Many of the drawings reproduced in this book can be found in galleries across the country.

Patricia Sentance, Nepean P.L., Nepean, Ont.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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Young Canada Works