________________ CM . . . . Volume VIII Number 4 . . . . October 19, 2001

cover My New Home and Me: A Memory Scrapbook for Kids.

Lyn Thomas. Illustrated by Scot Ritchie.
Toronto, ON: Kids Can Press, 2001.
32 pp., pbk., $5.95.
ISBN 1-55074-894-7.

Subject Headings:
Moving, Household-Juvenile Literature.
Scrapbooks-Juvenile Literature.

Kindergarten and up / Ages 5 and up.

Review by Cheryl Archer.

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I am moving to my new home on _______ (fill in the date).

When I think about moving, I feel happy/sad/mad/excited/_______ (tick or record emotions experienced).

Here is a picture of me: (draw or attach photo).

My new address is ___________ (fill in address).

Here is a picture of my new home: (draw or attach photo).

My old address is __________ ( fill in blank).

Here is a picture of my old home: (draw or attach photo).

Here is a picture of my old room: (draw or add photo).

Most kids, and adults too, dread the thought of moving. It's a time of such uncertainty--exciting to embrace new adventures, yet painful and sad to leave familiar surroundings, friends and family. Author Lyn Thomas, who moved several times as a child, respects these conflicting emotions and has created a memory scrapbook where children can explore feelings, record thoughts, and share in activities surrounding the family move.

     Designed like other titles in Kids Can Press' "Memory Scrapbooks for Kids" series, My New Home and Me is attractive and durable, featuring playful illustrations by Scot Ritchie that add humour and action. This "hands-on" book has loads of space for writing, drawing, attaching photos, and collecting autographs of old and new friends. A countdown calendar helps youngsters get organized for moving day. Inside the back cover is a pocket for storing souvenirs, letters, addresses and other special stuff. To further personalize the scrapbook, there is a die-cut space on the front cover for a favourite photograph.

     As youngsters fill the pages, they'll have the opportunity to mull over the good and bad points of moving, such as packing belongings, giving away possessions, moving day, exploring the new home/neighbourhood, making friends, and planning new adventures. Hopefully, at some intuitive level, kids will then understand that the roller coaster emotions they're experiencing are perfectly normal. This realization should help them better adjust to their new environment. However, due to the busyness and commotion of the move, there is a danger this book just might be overlooked, packed and forgotten. That would be a shame! There is genuine comfort in realizing almost everyone feels the same about relocating to a new home.

     With parental encouragement and assistance, filling in this scrapbook can become an important part of the moving adventure. Once completed, My New Home and Me will be a treasure to cherish along with the other scrapbooks, photo albums, and family mementos.


Cheryl Archer, author of Snow Watch, has moved with her husband and children three times in the past five years, and a total of fifteen times in her lifetime.

To comment on this title or this review, send mail to cm@umanitoba.ca.

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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364