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News and Awards
Governor General's Awards.
Retrospective look at Children's Literature Awards.

"Something to Remember Me By" Legacy Project New
Free Mother's Day Activity Guide & Contest:
Have you told mom or grandma your best memories of her or what she's taught you that you'll always remember? As a national initiative to connect generations and explore traditions and life lessons passed down, the "Something to Remember Me By" Legacy Project is being launched for Mother's Day. FREE Activity Guide includes storytelling, teachable moments, crafts, Best Memory certificates children can complete for mom, history of Mother's Day, listing of websites & books. There's also a Mother's Day Essay Contest.

CM Editor
D. Jenkinson

CM Web Manager
C. Holt

CM Chair, Management Board
J. Tooth

Table of Contents
Volume VII Number 18
May 11, 2001

Book Reviews

canI Went to the Farm.
Ruth Miller. Illustrated by Per-Henrik Gürth.
Review by Cora Lee.
Preschool / Ages 2 - 4.

canThe Trial of the Stone: A Folktale.
Richardo Keens-Douglas, Reteller. Illustrated by Stephane Jorisch.
Review by Alison Mews.
Preschool - grade 1 / Ages 3 - 6.

canThe Doctor & You.
Diane Swanson.
Review by Cora Lee.
Preschool - grade 2 / Ages 4 - 7.

can The Lobster Kids' Guide to Exploring Calgary. (The Lobster Kids' City Explorers Series).
Kate Zimmerman and Diane Thuna.
Review by Carole Marion.
Preschool - grade 7 / Ages 6 - 12 and Parents.

canPippin and Pudding. (Pippin and Mabel).
K.V. Johansen. Illustrated by Bernice Lum.
Review by Catherine Hoyt.
Kindergarten - grade 2 / Ages 5 - 7.

intScholastic First Encyclopedia.
All About People.
A First Atlas.
Animals and Nature.
How Things Work.
Review by Gail Hamilton.
Grades 2 - 4 / Ages 7 - 9.

can The Science of Living Things.
How Do Animals Adapt?
Bobbie Kalman.
How Do Animals Move?
Niki Walker and Bobbie Kalman.
Review by Gillian Noonan.
Grades 2 - 5 / Ages 7 - 10.

canSports in Action.
Horseback Riding in Action.
Kate Calder. Illustrated by Bonna Rouse.
Martial Arts in Action.
Heather Levigne. Illustrated by Bonna Rouse.
Golf in Action.
Hannelore Sotzek. Illustrated by Bonna Rouse.
Figure Skating in Action.
Kate Calder. Illustrated by Bonna Rouse.
Review by Harriet Zaidman.
Grades 3 - 4 / Ages 8 - 9.

canMaddie Wants New Clothes. (First Novel Series).
Louise Leblanc. Illustrated by Marie-Louise Gay. Translated by Sarah Cummins.
Review by Gillian Richardson.
Grades 3 - 5 / Ages 8 - 10.

int Living Science.
The Science of Tools.
Andrea Munro.
The Science of Structures.
Janice Parker.
The Science of the Environment.
Patricia Miller-Schroeder.
Review by Harriet Zaidman.
Grades 3 - 5 / Ages 8 - 10.

canYou Asked For It! Strange But True Answers to 99 Wacky Questions.
Marg Meikle.
Review by Mary Thomas.
Grades 4 and up / Ages 9 and up.

cdn A River Apart.
Robert Sutherland.
Review by Betsy Fraser.
Grades 5 - 8 / Ages 10 - 13.

canBloody Moments: Highlights From the Astonishing History of Medicine.
Gael Jennings. Illustrated by Roland Harvey.
Review by Ian Stewart.
Grades 6 - 10 / Ages 11 - 15.

canA Map of the Senses: Twenty Years of Manitoba Plays.
Rory Runnells (Ed.)
Review by Valerie Nielsen.
Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up.

canA Riddle of Roses.
Caryl Cude Mullin.
Review by Christina Pike.
Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up.

Video Reviews

canA Crack in the Pavement.
Part 1: Digging In.
Part 2: Growing Dreams.
Jane Churchill & Gwynne Basen (Directors). Michael Fukushima (Producer).
Review by Joan Simpson.
Grades 2 - 8 / Ages 7 - 13.

canRush For Gold, The Klondike Gold Rush, 1897. (The People's History of the West).
David Newman (Director). Joe MacDonald & Keith Packwood (Producers).
Review by Kristin Butcher.
Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up.

canWestern Eyes.
Ann Shin (Director). Gerry Flahive (Producer).
Review by Tom Knutson.
Grade 8 and up / Age 13 and up.

canThe Genetic Takeover or Mutant Food.
Karl Parent & Louise Vandelac (Directors). Eric Michel (Producer).
Review by Tom Knutson.
Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up.


Copyright © The Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364