________________ CM . . . . Volume III Number 21 . . . . June 20, 1997

cover I'm a genious vet.

Jason Page.
London, England: Bloomsbury Children's Books, 1996. Distributed by Raincoast Books.
96 pp., paper, $7.95.
ISBN 0-7475-2530-7

Subject Heading:
Veterinary medicine-Vocational guidance-Great Britain-Juvenile literature.

Grades 3 - 7 / Ages 8 - 12.
Review by Irene Gordon.

* /4

This British book telling young readers about a career as a veterinary surgeon cannot be recommended for Canadian students for two reasons. The first is that much of the information, such as the educational qualifications required and the names of organizations to contact for further information, does not apply in Canada. The second is that Canadian young people will almost certainly find the author's humorous, slangy style confusing or silly rather than funny. For example:

Simple misunderstanding number one: BEING A VET IS A JOB. Wrong! It's a way of life . . . And you're never off duty! You might be tucking into your third portion of apple crumble or even tucking yourself into bed. But whatever you're doing when you get an emergency call, you have to help. Think about it. On the one hand a huge portion of apple crumble with loads of crunchy bits and lovely thick custard. On the other, a sheep having trouble lambing, stuck halfway up a mountain in the pouring rain. (p. 12)
Simple misunderstanding number three: DOGS DO NOT SMELL. Wrong! They do. Dogs can really honk and pong. In fact lots of animals (especially when they're ill) are a bit on the niffy side. (p. 13)

      For its intended audience of British readers aged about 8 to 12, this book may be excellent, but I'm a genious vet cannot be recommended for Canadian schools or libraries.

Not recommended.

Irene Gordon presently works as a teacher-librarian in a Winnipeg junior high school and is co-editor of the Manitoba School Library Association Journal.

To comment on this title or this review, send mail to cm@umanitoba.ca.

Copyright © 1997 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364