________________ CM . . . . Volume XXII Number 12. . . .November 20, 2015


Love and Chicken Nuggets. (Pippa Morgan’s Diary).

Annie Kelsey. Illustrated by Kate Larson.
Toronto, ON: Scholastic Canada, 2015.
163 pp., trade pbk., $6.99.
ISBN 978-1-4431-4622-7.

Grades 2-5 / Ages 7-10.

Review by Janet Beauchamp.

**** /4



“Wow. Mum and Dad used to love each other! I’d forgotten. It feels like they’ve been divorced forever, even though it was only last year. Now Dad’s seeing Faye he’s happier than he’s been for ages. But Mum’s still alone. She’s got me, but that’s not the same as having a husband.

What would Saint Valentine do?

I know! He’d find her a husband! And if Saint Valentine can do it, so can I! That’s going to be my real Valentine’s project - I’m going to get Mum married by 14th Feb so she doesn’t have to watch the soppy movies and listen to the stupid love songs by herself. It doesn’t give me long - TEN DAYS!!! But if I try really hard, I know I can do it.”


I really enjoyed this second installment in the Pippa Morgan series. Pippa and Catie have solidified their status as best friends, and they are focussed on finding a cool topic for the Valentine’s Day project assigned by Mr. Bacon. Love and Chicken Nuggets focusses on two great friends building their relationship and the unconditional love of a parent. Catie’s Mom feeds her very healthy food, and Pippa is determined that Catie must try her favourite food, chicken nuggets, as she has never had them before. The other mission in this story is for Pippa to find a mate for her mom. Her dad has moved on, and she wants to help her mom do the same.

     The novel is an easy read as the story is again written in a series of diary entries. Within the entries is a fair amount of dialogue so readers do see other’s perspectives as well. The text is again accompanied by some sketch illustrations which are quite clever.

     This cute story is an even more intriguing read because of the British dialect used. My daughter and I had discussions about the differences, for example Mom and Mum, soccer and football and parking lot and car park. It was also neat to read such a modern book where the main characters are taking selfies, very different than Little House on the Prairie. Annie Kelsey certainly makes the reader eager to find out if Catie is able to find her mom a mate by Valentine’s Day. My daughter and I are looking forward to the next installment of Pippa Morgan!


Janet Beauchamp, a high school teacher and teacher-librarian, lives in L’Amable, ON, and is the mother of three girls.

To comment on this title or this review, send mail to cm@umanitoba.ca.

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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364
Hosted by the University of Manitoba.

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