"The Great Canadian Trivia Contest"

Steve Caldwell, the coordinator of the Trivia Contest, has been kind enough to give CM permission to run his weekly Great Canadian Trivia Contest, a great way to motivate students to spend some time in the Library.


For those of you access us by way of The Village in Ontario please note that we're having a lot of difficulty with The Village. We have been able to only intermittently receive the Village and cannot send or reply to it.

Therefore we might have missed some correct answers this week and they will be recognized when we receive them. In light of this could respondents please use the Steve_Caldwell@colby.on.infoshare.ca address. We apologize to those who use The Village to receive the weekly question for any inconvenience.


Apparently Schoolnet was offline for a time recently and as a result some participants had difficulty finding last week's question. Hopefully everything will be back on line this week. If you ever do not receive the question by Thursday then please contact me.

?OCTOBER 23th's Question:

This is a "Who am I?" type of question. From the clues identify the famous Canadian.

  1. I was born in Ontario in 1879 and moved to New Brunswick.
  2. I made a fortune in finance in New Brunswick and moved to England at the age of 31.
  3. In England, I was elected to Parliament and purchased or founded a series of newspapers that became a newspaper empire.
  4. I was made a Lord and became a Cabinet Minister during World War I.
  5. During World War II, I was an influential member of Winston Churchill's war cabinet. My initial job was to look after aircraft production.
  6. I retained close ties with Canada and in particular my native province.


This well known, influential, Canadian was Max Aitken, perhaps better known to history as Lord Beaverbrook.


  1. Stephen Powell, Colonel By Secondary School: Gloucester, Ontario
  2. S. Wells, Sussex Junior High School: Sussex, New Brunswick
  3. Mrs. Manzerolle's Gr. 5 class, St. Andrew School: Windsor, Ontario
  4. Mr. Yeo's Gr. 9 class, Goose Lake High School: Roblin, Manitoba
  5. Josee Bisonette, Gr. 7, Ecole Lagimodiere: Lorette, Manitoba
  6. Nadine Gagnon, Gr. 7, Ecole Lagimodiere: Lorette, Manitoba
  7. Valerie Bohemier, Gr. 7, Ecole Lagimodiere: Lorette, Manitoba
  8. Brandon Okorofsky, Yorkhill Elementary School: Thornhill, Ontario
  9. Mr. Dingee's Gr. 7 class, Florenceville Middle School: Florenceville, New Brunswick
  10. Jane Scaplen's Gr. 6 French Immersion class, Sacred Heart Elementary School: Marystown, Newfoundland
  11. Shaun Lougheed, Mr. Bishop's Gr. 8 class, St. Peter Canisius School: Watford, Ontario


When we hear the name Ottawa we generally think of the capital city or the river but there are also the Ottawa Islands.

In what body of water are the Ottawa Islands found?

DUE DATE FOR THIS ANSWER: November 18, 1995


Remember, don't post your answers to CM. Instead, send your answers to Steve Caldwell at the following e-mail address:

Steve_Caldwell@colby.on. infoshare.ca

In addition to your e-mail address, please send your school's name and the grade and/or class that you are in, as well as your postal address.



Welcome to the second year of The Great Canadian Trivia Contest.

The History Department of Colonel By Secondary School in Ottawa, Ontario is sponsoring a Canadian Studies Internet trivia contest.

This contest is designed to appeal to students in Grades 7 - 10, although other grades are more than welcome to participate.


Each week a new question will be presented. Students participating in the contest will, in all likelihood, have to do some research to find the correct answer to our weekly question.

Questions are based on some aspect of Canadian Studies. Questions will include the subjects of history, geography, culture, natural science, sports, current events, law, and any other aspect of Canadian studies that we can think of.

A new question will be posted every Friday in CM (the trivia contest is also distributed through Schoolnet a few days earlier). Answers must be received by 8:00 a.m. eastern time a week from the following Saturday. Answers will be tabulated, and the correct answer, along with the winners' names, will be posted in two weeks. Thus, there will be a new question each week while the answer and winners will be posted two weeks later.

We plan on offering a few nominal prizes so make sure you let us know where we can reach you. We would also like participants to let us know if they are entering as an individual, a group, or if they are representing a particular class and school. We will try to award prizes for individuals/groups and classes.

Last year we had participants from across Canada and the United States and as far away as China. We welcome all new participants as well as our returning veteran contestants.

Copyright © 1995 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364

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