Roar! |
Robert Munsch. Illustrated by Michael Martchenko.
Review by Tara Williston.
Preschool-grade 2 / Ages 4-7.
The Rabbits Race: A Grandparents Day Story. |
Deborah L. Delaronde. Illustrated by Virginia McCoy.
Review by Gregory Bryan.
Kindergarten-grade 3 / Ages 5-8.
Hockey. (In the Zone).
Robb Johnstone.
Review by Dave Jenkinson.
Grades 1-3 / Ages 6-8.
Hockey Superstars 2009-2010. |
Paul Romanuk.
Review by Rosemary Hollett.
Grades 1-7 / Ages 6-12.
Welcome to the World of Hummingbirds.
Diane Swanson.
Review by Margaret Snow.
Grades 2-5 / Ages 7-10.
Welcome to the World of Penguins. |
Diane Swanson.
Review by Margaret Snow.
Grades 2-5 / Ages 7-10.
Welcome to the World of Owls.
Diane Swanson.
Review by Margaret Snow.
Grades 2-5 / Ages 7-10.
Welcome to the World of Bats.
Diane Swanson.
Review by Margaret Snow.
Grades 2-5 / Ages 7-10.
Welcome to the World of Eagles.
Diane Swanson.
Review by Margaret Snow.
Grades 2-5 / Ages 7-10.
On the Trail of the Bushman. (Orca Young Readers).
Anita Daher.
Review by Elizabeth Walker.
Grades 3-5 / Ages 8-10.
Heartbreak Hills. (Wild Horse Creek, #3).
Sharon Siamon.
Review by Eileen Wortley.
Grades 4-7 / Ages 9-12.
Canadian Hauntings: A Haunted Canada Book.
Michael Norman & Beth Scott.
Review by Libby McKeever.
Grades 4 and up / Ages 9 and up.
Shivers and Shakes. (The Salt & Pepper Chronicles, #6).
David A. Poulsen.
Review by Ruth McMahon.
Grades 5-8 / Ages 10-13.
Danger in Dead Mans Mine. (1912: The Mackenzie Davis Files, 3).
Dave Glaze.
Review by Elaine Fuhr.
Grades 5-9 / Ages 10-14.
Second Sight.
Gary Blackwood.
Review by Kay Weisman.
Grades 6-8 / Ages 11-13.
The Boy Kelsey.
Alfred Silver.
Review by Mary Thomas.
Grades 6-9 / Ages 11-14.
D-Day: Lieutenant Andy Pope, Normandy 1944. (My Story).
Bryan Perrett.
Review by Jonine Bergen.
Grades 6-9 / Ages 11-14.
Free as a Bird.
Gina McMurchy-Barber.
Review by Megan Lankford.
Grades 6-9 / Ages 11-14.
Shadow Boxing.
Sherie Posesorski.
Review by Karen Rankin.
Grades 7-10 / Ages 12-15.
Young Renny.
Mazo de la Roche.
Review by J. Lynn Fraser.
Grades 8 and up / Ages 14 and up.