
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Directed by Dagmar Teufel
National Film Board of Canada, 1993. VHS cassette, 7 min., $21.95.
Originally produced in French under title Dans ton pays .... Distributed by the NFB.

Kindergarten to Grade 3/Ages 5 to 8

Reviewed by Gillian Martin Noonan

 Volume 22 Number 5
1994 October

Your Country My Country is a short video portraying the developing friendship of two classmates as they co-operate on a class project entitled "My Country." To the project each child has brought a special talent but Donald also has some preconceived ideas about where Fatuma comes from. He quickly learns that his ideas were incorrect, and the two become fast friends.

This video, originally entitled Dans ton pays ..., is intended to be a catalyst for discussion with children about differences in people and getting along with each other. Within the context of a carefully planned lesson(s) on such a theme, "Your Country My Country should make a fine example of how two children become friends and make the most of their individuality. If the video is used outside a well-developed context, however, the short length of the production may make it difficult for young children to understand the video's theme. A short selection of discussion questions and related National Film Board films and videos is provided.

For teachers of children in the Primary and early elementary grades, "Your Country My Country could be a good choice for furthering discussion about relationships with their students. Since it is available from the National Film Board, it would not be necessary for individual libraries to purchase.

Gillian Martin Noonan is a teacher-librarian in Old Perlican, Newfoundland.

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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


The materials in this archive are copyright © The Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission Copyright information for reviewers

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