
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Jacques de Thorenc
Illustrated by Carlo Italiano
Montreal, Roussan Publishers, 1994. 72pp, paper, $6.95
ISBN 2-921212-36-6. (On Time's Wing). CIP

Grades 3-6 / Ages 8-11

Reviewed by Caroline Thompson

Volume 22 Number 5
1994 October

Jacques de Thorenc has created a whole new world of imagination in the Gaspe region in his book Little Net Fisher. As a legend, this book will particularly appeal to those who live in the region or are familiar with Perce Rock or Aurora Peak. The story is that of Little Net Fisher and his adventures with Aurora, the Siren, Bonaventure the giant, his horse Twilight, and many others.

Little Net Fisher finds himself in trouble when he refuses to heed Queen Aurora's request not to cast his nets over her under-water kingdom. With help from the seabirds and the good-hearted Twilight, Little Net Fisher escapes from one set of troubles, only to find himself in the middle of more trouble.

For the most part, Jacques de Thorenc has created a likeable set of characters. However, the main character is not as appealing as some of the others. He is unsympathetic to Queen Aurora and her request right at the beginning. His character does not seem very well developed. I also wonder about Bonaventure the Giant. Here is a story in itself, yet the reader is introduced to him and told he sleeps a lot, but very little else. This story has a great deal of potential and many interesting characters, but it seems to lack animation and verve; this could in part be due to the translation.

Black-and-white drawings by Carlo Italiano are scattered throughout the book. They are quite detailed and add to the story. For anyone who is studying legends this would be a good addition, and, as previously mentioned, anyone familiar with the Gaspe region would probably enjoy this imaginative tale.

Caroline Thompson is a librarian in Burlington, Ontario.

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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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