
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Produced by Ann O'Brien; directed by Alan Erlich
Primedia Productions/2 & 7 Television (Calgary), 1991. VHS cassette, 95 min., $149.00
Distributed by Magic Lantern Communications, Unit #38, 775 Pacific Rd., Oakville, Ont. L6L 6M4.

Grades 10 and up/Ages 15 and up

Reviewed by C.L. Ross.

Volume 21 Number 4
1993 September

This is a filmed performance of Ron Beattie's tour de force presentation of the Canadian play, Letter from Wingfield Farm. Walt is a former broker from Toronto who has bought Wingfield farm in order to try living "the simple life." The play centres on a series of letters that Walt writes to the local newspaper in Larkspur. The letters introduce a whole host of characters that drift in and out of Walt's life, with anecdotes, advice, and eccentricities in abundance.

It is an entertaining play and Ron Beattie's one-man performance is a joy to watch. The quality of the video is good and the camera angles are done so well that one is always left with the impression that one is watching a live performance, not a television production.

The one drawback to the continuity of the live performance is the breaks in the film, which were (I assume) put there so that television commercials could be inserted. They were a minor annoyance and I thought unnecessary. Otherwise, the film is a worthy asset to any theatre collection.

C.L. Ross is a librarian with the Okanagan Regional Library in Kelowna, British Columbia.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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Young Canada Works