
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Gary L. Saunders
Photography by Wayne Barrett
Halifax, Nimbus, 1992. 106pp, cloth, $29.95
ISBN 1-55109-008-2. CIP

Grades 6 and up/Ages 11 and up

Reviewed by Peter Freeman.

Volume 20 Number 6
1992 November

The beautiful photographs generously distributed throughout this book catch the eye immediately. But this is not a "coffee table" collection of pictures; these photographs complement the clearly presented text.

The authors acquaint the reader with the animals of the Atlantic region by describing common as well as rarely seen organisms. Rather than becoming burdened with overwhelming detail about each animal, the reader learns a few interesting differences and the novel characteristics of each species. Fascinating anecdotes throughout the text serve to put the reader "in touch" with the animals.

The book is very well organized for teaching readers about the classification of vertebrates. The book has a brief introduc­tion, which is followed by three chapters dealing with the classes of vertebrates: "Mammals," "Birds" and "Amphibians & Reptiles." Each chapter is in turn broken into logical (from a taxonomic point of view) sections. The chapter on mammals is divided into sections on sea mammals and land mammals. The latter is sub-divided into "plant-eaters," "meat-eaters," "insect-eaters" and "omnivores." Within theses sections, the author includes some references to the scientific names of a few organisms. In spite of this, the book does not read like a class­room textbook. It is a comfortable read.

This book is a delightful read that will be of interest to young readers (grades 6 to 8) with an interest in wildlife. Many of the animals described are found in regions other than the Atlantic, so young people across the country will enjoy it as well.

Wildlife of Atlantic Canada & New England is recommended as an enjoyable way to learn a little about animal classification and as a tool to bring juvenile readers close to animals.

Peter Freeman teaches biology at Charles Hays Secondary School in Prince Rupert, British Columbia.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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