
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Vincent, Dave, Paul Melhus and Darcy Alien
Burnaby (B.C.), Didatech Software Ltd., 1991. Apple 5.25" and IBM 3.5", ISBN 1-55030-046-6 (school edition Apple 5.25") $49.00, ISBN 1-55030-092-X (lab pack, Apple 5.25") $98.00, ISBN 1-55030-192-6 (site license, Apple 5.25") $245.00, ISBN 1-55030-324-4 (school edition, IBM 3.5") $49.00, ISBN 1-55030-325-2 (lab pack, IBM 3.5") $98.00, ISBN 1-55030-197-7 (site license, IBM 3.5") $245.00. Also available in Apple 3.5", IBM 5.25", Commodore 5.25" in school edition and lab pack. Distributed by Didatech Software Ltd.

Grades 1 to 3/Ages 6 to 8

Reviewed by Ila D. Scott

Volume 20 Number 5
1992 October

This tutorial program is designed for use in the Primary classroom. Basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division questions with answers from 0 to 18 are posed in the first four parts of the program. The last two parts, "Elevator Math" and "Fay's Pursuit," pose questions that mix up the various operations.

Students can choose a section while the computer records their progress and keeps a score based upon correct answers and the time required to complete questions. The number line concept is heavily reinforced. Graphics consist of Fay standing on a number line and walking or jumping along the line to illustrate the concept being queried. An incorrect response is demonstrated by Fay moving to the student's proffered answer and showing what the correct answer should have been. Sound effects also signal an incorrect response.

Accompanying the program is a record-keeping system and an authoring system. The program can keep scores of up to forty students so that the teacher can print student results and errors. Identification of error patterns can assist the teacher in providing remedial work. The authoring system permits the teacher to develop individual sets of up to 60 problems, 15 in each of the 4 basic operations. The program is easily installed by following the instructions for the different systems. Lab packs and site licenses are available. A short Help menu is included in the program, but since the target audience is Primary grades, most trouble-shooting will have to be done by the teacher.

Students are given ample time to complete the questions in the basic operations, but time standards are raised in the more advanced portions. This allows slower students to learn the basic concepts but will keep the more able students interested. Repetition of missed questions and the ability to repeat any levels (without repeating the exact questions) offer greater versatility. Students may use the program several times to improve scores by giving a greater number of correct answers or lowering times.


Ila D. Scott is Assistant Reference/Collections Librarian at the Herbert T. Coutts Library, University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Alberta

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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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