
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Louise Beaudin
Illustrated by Stephane Poulin
Waterloo (Ont.), Quintin Publishers, 1991. 24pp, cloth, $12.95
ISBN 2-920438-93-X. Distributed by University of Toronto Press. Available in French as . CIP

Pre-school to Grade 3/Ages 3 to 8

Reviewed by Ann Fagan.

Volume 20 Number 2
1992 March

Stephane Poulin (My Mother's Loves and the Josephine series, amongst other wonderful fiction titles) has a real winner once more.

This charming book about the winter activities of Canadian animals is directed towards a young audience. The introduction shows Mr. Click and his camera having returned from another photo safari. We are told that this book is his souvenir album, which will answer the question of what animals do in the winter.

The outstanding illustrations, along with only a few direct comments on each double-page spread, tell the story and impart the necessary facts about animals in winter. Each animal has been clearly and realistically painted with touches of humour sprinkled throughout. It will take more than one reading to catch all of Poulin's clever details; young readers will appreciate the polar bear clutching his pillow during his dormancy period and the groundhogs and bats with matching hats during hibernation.

A simply written text with more detailed information follows in two pages at the back of the book. Seven-or eight-year-olds will be able to read and understand this themselves and young children can have the information read aloud to them. This book gives all readers an insight into the animals' winter activities and will no doubt leave them anticipating Mr. Click's next animal safari.

Although this talented Quebecois illustrator/author has not previously published non-fiction about animals (to my knowledge), the facts are presented accurately and this book will be a welcome addition to the science area for young students.

Highly recommended for ages 3 to 8.

Ann Fagan, Mackay Center/Woodland School, Montreal, Que.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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