
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Carol Gold
Illustrated by Vesna Krstanovich

Toronto, Kids Can Press, 1991. 96pp, paper, ISBN 1-55074-015-6 (cloth) $19.95, ISBN 1-55074-017-2 (paper) $9.95. CIP

Grades 5 and up/Ages 10 and up
Reviewed by Stan R. Kozak

Volume 20 Number 1
1992 January

Science teachers who use discrepant events and unusual demonstrations to generate interest may not be very happy to see their students with a copy of Science Express. This new book in the series that began with Science works lets the cat out of the bag by including many a favourite science demonstration.

For the most part, the activities require items found around the house or apparatus that can be made without too much difficulty. Children of all ages will be interested in these activities and those ten and up should be able to handle them on their own.

The book is divided into five sections loosely based on body, ball, food and sound activities and a catch-all called "More Fun." The activities described here are generally not new. They have been around for years. This publication, however, features those that are easy to do and then clearly explains the princi­ples involved.

The Ontario Science Centre with series author/editor Carol Gold has added a fifth successful title to its series. The sub-title of this book reads "A Book of Experiments." This is unfortunate because these are not experiments but demonstrations of known scientific phenomena. This slip only adds to the confusion about what an experiment is, namely a process that takes us from the unknown to the known.

Nevertheless, at $9.95 for paperback and $19.95 for hardcover, Science Express is well worth having, particularly if you plan to be one step ahead of your science teacher.

Stan R. Kozak, Guelph, Ont.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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