
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Edited by Ven Begamudre and Judith Krause

Regina, Coteau Books, 1991. 204pp, paper, $14.95
ISBN 1-55050-019-8. CIP

Grades 12 and up/ Ages 17 and up
Reviewed by Esther Hutchison.

Volume 19 Number 5
1991 October

In this anthology, poems and stories centre on the theme of feeling "out of place:" This theme is interpreted variously as the strangeness of a newcomer to our culture or the contrast with values brought from a different time or country. In other instances the feeling results from the distance be­tween one person and society.

The editors tell us that their decision was "to concentrate on the idea of dislocation and our changing sense of place." Out of Place was originally conceived as a forum for new writers at the University of Saskatchewan, but the scope was expanded to include writers who were in some way connected to the prairies. The west is refreshingly well represented, both by such established writers as Myra Kostash and Kristjana Gunnars and by a number of newer voices.

Alberto Manguel, well-known Canadian anthologist, has written an illuminating introduction on the theme of foreignness. There is a brief preface by the editors. Biographical notes about each of the contributors are included.

Material is well balanced between poetry and prose, in a variety of styles. Most of the contributions are evocative, as well as being clear and accessible.

This is the third in the "Carlyle King" anthology series. The book is well organized, with the print clear and well spaced, but the computer-generated cover is unlikely to attract the casual reader. However, this collection is worthwhile for the multicultural insights it presents.


Esther Hutchison, Spruce Grove Public Library, Spruce Grove, Alta.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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