
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Executive producer, Ken Coach
Damn Good Productions with Kicking Horse Productions, 1991. VHS cassette, 30:00 min., $99.00.
Distributed by Magic Lantern Communications, #38 775 Pacific Rd., Oakville, Ont. L6L6M4 or #201-6700 #3 Rd., Richmond, B.C. V6Y 2C3.

Grades 11 and up/Ages 16 and up
Reviewed by J. Forrester.

Volume 19 Number 4
1991 September

This half-hour television documen­tary profiles W.P. "Bill" Kinsella, western Canadian author of "Shoeless Joe Jackson in Iowa," upon which the sleeper Hollywood movie Field of Dreams is based. The production was completed with the assistance of Kicking Horse Productions of Edmonton, in association with CBC. I have one minor quibble with the fact that the interviews by Bob Spence take place in endless corn fields. (Enough already, we get the message!)

Kinsella is representative of a new breed of Canadian writers who do not feel the need to set their work in Canadian locales. However, some of the opinions expressed by Kinsella may be quite surprising to students. For instance, he has utter contempt for academics: "There is no one in the world as petty as an academic!" This view was formulated while he was teaching "bonehead English" at the University of Calgary. In addition, his attitude toward Canadian nationalism may not make many friends in some quarters. However, he is above all honest. Kinsella writes fiction, "because I'm too lazy to do research." The convincing details found in his writing must be testimony to an incredible imagination.

J. Forrester, Toronto, Ont.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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Young Canada Works