
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Written and performed by Veronica Tennant
Toronto, McClelland & Stewart, 1990. Two 90-minute audiocassettes, $19.95, ISBN 0-7710-8497-8. (Audio Encore series),

Grades 4 to 7/Ages 9 to 12

Reviewed by Joanne Robertson

Volume 18 Number 5
1990 September

On Stage, Please, read on two cassettes by the author. Veronica Tennant, was originally published in 1977 by McClelland & Stewart. The world of ballet — the glamour as well as the hard work — comes alive through the experiences of ten-year-old Jennifer Alien. We follow her as she enters ballet school and we applaud her first appearance on a stage.

Veronica Tennant, who recently completed a twenty-five-year career as prima ballerina with the National Ballet of Canada, shares her experience of the ballet world. On Stage, Please, as well as being an engaging story, is loaded with details about the beginning education of a ballet dancer.

The two cassettes are packed in a cardboard folder the size of a paperback book and would be easy to store and locate on a bookshelf. The approximate playing time of the cassettes is three hours. Veronica Tennant's voice is clear and expressive.

The cassettes would make an excellent supplement to the book except for the fact that they are an abridged version. They follow the printed story except where sentences, paragraphs, and even an entire chapter have been deleted. A few paragraphs have also been added to the end of the story. These changes do not affect the mood of the story, but they do make it more difficult to follow along while reading the book.

Joanne Robertson, Winnipeg, Man.

line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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