
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Richard Tulloch and Julie Vivas

Toronto, Kids Can Press, 1989. 32pp, cloth, $11.95
ISBN 0-921103-62-X. CIP

Preschool to Grade 2/Ages 3 to 7
Reviewed by Marion Scott.

Volume 18 Number 2
1990 March

Stories from Our Street is Tulloch and Vivas' second picture-book collabora­tion. They have returned to the same characters and format employed in Stories from Our House (Cambridge University Press, 1987) but with a surer touch.

The stories number three in all, and are simple, gently humorous tales of everyday experience, told from a child's perspective. "The Catching Tree" is about a tree that catches kites, balls, and even Mom when she attempts to rescue the lost objects. In "Bored," making a home for a beetle transforms a "nothing to do" rainy day. Finally, "Wet Paint" relates how a neighbour paints his fence despite interruptions from birds, animals, and the family's baby.

Much of the appeal derives from Tulloch's simple but rhythmic language and his skilful use of cumulative patterns in the stories. The text is nicely extended by Vivas' softly coloured illustrations. The children, who have an urban contemporary look, are appeal­ing. She also emphasizes movement in her compositions and makes imagina­tive use of double-page spreads.

All in all, these stories should suit a pre-school to grade 2 audience. They would make enjoyable read-alouds at home or in the classroom. They are also simple enough for a beginning reader to tackle independently.

Recommended for day-care centres, schools and public libraries.

Marion Scott, Toronto Public Library, Toronto, Ont.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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