
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Retold and illustrated by Gerda Neubacher

Burlington (Ont.), Hayes Publishing, 1989. 32pp, cloth, $11.95
ISBN 0-88625-216-4. (CHP Fairy Tale series).

Grades 1 to 3/Ages 6 to 8
Reviewed by Alison Mews.

Volume 17 Number 5
1989 September

The illustrated retelling of Collodi's Pinocchio is another abridged classic in the CHP Fairy Tale series. Because the original Pinocchio was written for much older children this version for primary children is necessarily oversimplified. Only a few of Pinocchio's adventures are included and they are described briefly and with a minimum of language. Unlike the original in which Pinocchio encounters the cricket twice, this adaptation has the cricket accompany and share Pinocchio's adventures—a striking similarity to the Walt Disney version. As with the above title in the series, it seems the impetus in publishing is to showcase the talents of the artist. The illustrations are lovingly executed and certainly extend the story-line (although I have a quib­ble with the T-shirt and shorts of the puppet when everyone else is in period costume), however, they seem overly influenced by series books available at supermarkets.

Alison Mews, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Nfld.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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