
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Anne Watson-Russell and Wendy Harvey

Toronto, Butterworths, 1989.42pp, paper, $7.95
ISBN 0-409-80985-3. CIP

Grades 7 to 12/Ages 12 to 17
Reviewed by Kenneth Elliott.

Volume 17 Number 5
1989 September

As the subtitle indicates on the inside title page, this booklet is a guide to court procedures for adolescents who have been charged under the Young Offenders Act in Canada.

Between its covers, this work gives to the young accused all the basic infor­mation he or she needs to know about appearing in a court before a judge. The pertinent facts are spelled out clearly and concisely in the idiom of today's juveniles. The authors tell it "straight!"

This little work is divided into three chapters: "Before Court," "In Court," and "After Court." A glossary is pro­vided as are guidelines for persons writing letters of reference for the accused. The type is clear and printed with maroon ink on a light grey paper; both make for easy reading.

Some of the practical suggestions include getting a lawyer, what to talk about with your lawyer, getting letters of reference, waiting to go into the courtroom, facing the judge, what happens at the first appearance before the judge, taking an oath, relationship with the youth worker, etc.

The whole strategy of this work is to be a practical tool in the hands of the accused juvenile. There are eighteen cartoons depicting an aspect of the subject under discussion. These average one per page. There is even a diagram of a courtroom for the benefit of the reader. The vocabulary is simple, direct, and well within the scope of any juvenile. Those words of a more tech­nical nature are clearly explained.

This small work is an excellent guide for juvenile offenders and for those involved in counselling them. The affordable price makes it within the grasp of everyone. For those teaching at the secondary level, this booklet will serve as a stimulating section to your course on law.

Kenneth Elliott, Laval Catholic High School, Chomedey, Que.
line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


The materials in this archive are copyright © The Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission Copyright information for reviewers

Young Canada Works