
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Wilson, Budge.

Toronto, Scholastic-TAB. 1988. 144pp, paper, $3.95. ISBN 0-590-71843-6. CIP

Grades 6 to 8/Ages 11 to 13
Reviewed by Esther Hutchinson

Volume 17 Number 3
1989 May

Katie's dad is missing work, and when he is at home he is critical and impatient with the family. He is ill, but not in anyway that the children can see.

In this "problem" novel, Budge Wilson deals with a father's depression and breakdown and its effects on members of the family. Although the novel is written in the third person, the point of view is that of thirteen-year-old Katie. The major characters are fairly well developed and there are several subplots. Katie is preparing for a music recital. Her younger brother is training for a track meet and discovering that his real interest lies in acting. Their mother is trying to hold on to an appearance of normality and dealing with the problems of going back to work.

While the family problems and conflicts are resolved more easily than might be realistic, the description of how the illness resulted from a combination of outside pressures and the father's nature is clear and understandable. The slow and discouraging process of recovery is also well portrayed.

Budge Wilson is an award-winning author who has written for adults as well as children, most recently the "Blue Harbour" stories.

Esther Hutchinson, Spruce Crone Public Library, Spruce Crone, Alta.
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