
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Campbell, Judith and Jill Golick.

Toronto, Globe/Modern Curriculum Press. 1988. 454pp, paper, $28.95. ISBN 0-88996-146-8. CIP

Reviewed by Kenneth Elliott

Volume 17 Number 1
1989 January

This hefty volume presents a complete course in sexuality for teenagers through to adults. It is designed for teachers who wish to develop and present a program from three perspectives: 1) enhancing student self-esteem, 2) respecting personal and family values, and 3) encouraging the development of effective decision-making skills.

The essential flaw in this mammoth enterprise is that it tells the teacher what should be done, but not how to do it. Under "Possible Strategies" a variety of sketchy suggestions are made concerning what could be done to enhance the objectives of each unit. But the teacher must then go out and find and design the materials to be used.

The black-line masters are poorly arranged in the margins of the corresponding text. The masters themselves are not numbered clearly, only page numbers are referred to at the bottom of the pages. The major error in this section can be found on page 236, where the hymen and the Bartholin Gland are reversed in the illustration!

Moreover, on pages 239 and 240, in the male reproductive system, the seminal vesicles seem to be inside the bladder. Again, on page 234 the Fallopian tubes seem to be attached directly to the ovary; this presentation is not at all accurate.

The lack of objective tests with the keys after each section is unfortunate. The entire work would be more manageable in three smaller volumes, each one spiral bound to facilitate the reproduction of the black-line masters. Unfortunately, the excellent information contained in each section is handicapped by the poor organization of the material.

Kenneth Elliott, Laval Catholic High School, Chomedey, Que.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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