
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Knudson, George with Lorne Rubenstein.

Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, 1988. 154pp. cloth. $24.95. ISBN 0-7710-4532-8. CIP

Grades 10 and up
Reviewed by Michael Freeman

Volume 16 Number 6
1988 November

George Knudson, Canada's most successful golf professional, turned from playing to teaching in the late 1970s. Using his personal triumphs and tribulations on the pro golf lour as a background, Knudson has developed a logical but not yet generally accepted theory that the golf swing should be seen as a natural motion, with the ball merely an obstacle in the course of the swing. This simple theory contradicts much of the earlier accepted wisdom that involved concentration on various methods of hitting the ball, i.e. the concept of golf as a hand-eye game similar to tennis. Knudson's theory stresses a balanced motion based on the physical laws of centrifugal force and inertia.

Knudson breaks down the swing into simple, easy-to-emulate components; Nell Harris' useful drawings help to clarify each step in the procedure. Knudson points out the fallacies behind the misconceptions involving the swing that have arisen over the years and are still taken as gospel by most novices: keep the head down, keep the left arm straight, cock the wrists, etc. Although his principles grow repetitive in parts, Knudson's advice on the grip and on handling tension are particularly relevant.

This clearly written how-to book concludes with a valuable summary of the main points and a rather superfluous glossary. Recommended for golfers of all ages.

Michael Freeman, Bathurst Heights S.S., North York, Qnt.
line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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