
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Kalman, Bobbie.

Toronto, Crabtree Publishing. 1987. 32pp. cloth, $12.76, ISBN 0-86505-074-0. (The In My World series). CIP

Grades 4 to 6
Reviewed by Mary Fallis

Volume 16 Number 5
1988 September

This is a book in Crabtree's "In My World" series of eighteen titles. How We Communicate is full of wonderful illustrations for elementary age children. It has big pages (26 x 26 cm), big print and very readable type.

How We Communicate presents communication by means of our senses and then proceeds to a variety of types of communication, all related to the life of our time, for example, from libraries to television to an air control tower. Each section has questions that encourage children to express their own ideas.

There are interesting things to do: making maps, using symbols, using and making up codes. There are opportunities for vocabulary extension. At the back there is a communication dictionary of thirty words, but it does not list all the hard words. The use of hyphens may not correspond to particular classroom use.

A couple of topics need introductory explanation. The very interesting traffic scene comes from England with travel on the left and English traffic signs. And the park scene has a castle with groomed gardens and deer in an enclosure.

I showed this book to the parents of two nine-year-olds and they both agreed that it was a neat book.

Mary Fallis, Prince George, B.C.
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