
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Ellen Schwartz.
Winlaw, BC: Polestar Press, 1987.
157pp., paper, $6.95.
ISBN 0-919591-24-8. CIP.

Grades 3-6 / Ages 8-11

Reviewed by Norma Charles.

Volume 16 Number 4
1988 July

Starshine Bliss Shapiro is the daughter of a couple who have chosen an alternate life-style. Sometimes their beliefs conflict with what's happening around them. And who's caught in the middle? Starshine Bliss Shapiro, much to her embarrassment.

Starshine's grade 4 class is planning a camping trip and each child must bring ten dollars. Starshine's parents won't allow her to sell the sugary cookies the school has provided. They say that the way people eat affects the way they feel. Since Starshine very much wants to go on this camping trip, she and her friend, Julie Wong, have to come up with another way of earning the money.

After the first chapter, in which Starshine sets the scene and explains the situation, the action moves along very quickly with lively dialogue and entertaining adventures. Author Ellen Schwartz has succeeded in creating a family of completely believable, sympathetic and interesting characters who care deeply for each other and the world.

The lay-out of the book is attractive with several informative sketches, and the print is large enough for a nine-year-old to read comfortably.

I would whole-heartedly recommend this book to middle elementary school readers aged eight to eleven. I'd also recommend it to a teacher to read aloud. You'll have your class in stitches begging for more!

Norma Charles, Van Horne Elementary School, Vancouver, BC.
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