
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Malarek, Victor.

Toronto, Macmillan, 1987. 288pp, cloth, $24.95, ISBN 0-7715-9497-6. CIP

Grades 12 and up
Reviewed by Ellen Robson

Volume 16 Number 3
1988 May

Malarek, a Globe and Mail journalist, has written an award-winning series of articles on immigration problems in Canada. Having talked to government authorities, lawyers, immigrants, and refugees, he has now written a book that will distress all who read about "the sorry state of the nation's immigrant system" (p. xiii). Using the latest statistics, interviews and government studies as well as unpublished documents he unearthed, the author traces the problem from 1776 through all the major immigrant waves to May 1987. He believes Canada needs immigrants and that the country must cease wanting to choose who comes and must improve its record in helping refugees and reunifying families as well as closing the door to abuse. Problems of racism, illegal immigrants, unethical practices and unfair implementation of policies are a result of "bureaucratic bafflegab" in the poorly organized immigration department.

Malarek illustrates his points by discussing the plight of the Tamils, Portuguese, Turks, Chinese and Afghans, all of whom have made headlines recently.

The author has emphatically made his point, and although he paints a sad picture of our system, he expresses hope for improvements. He believes changes are coming and that our future depends on these new policies. He concludes by stating "who you are, and not just who you know, should count in coming to Canada" (p. 260).

A bibliography for further reading is included but there is no index. This can limit the use for students, but any senior economics, political science or history student will find much good material for Study. Every Canadian interested in our future should read this one.

Ellen Robson, Winston Churchill Collegiate Institute, Scarborough, Ont.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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