
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Manitoba Multicultural Anthology Committee

Winnipeg, Peguis Publishers, c1986. 113pp, paper, $10.00, ISBN 0-920541-05-4. (A Multicultural Anthology for Young Readers). CIP


Manitoba Multicultural Anthology Committee

Winnipeg, Peguis Publishers, c1986. 239pp, paper. $10.00, ISBN 0-920541-07-0. (A Multicultural Anthology for Young Readers). CIP


Manitoba Multicultural Anthology Committee

Winnipeg, Peguis Publishers, c1986. 169pp, paper. $10.00, ISBN 0-920541-09-7. (A Multicultural Anthology for Young Readers). CIP

K-Grade 12
Reviewed by Gerri Young

Volume 15 Number 3
1987 May

The Manitoba Multicultural Anthology Committee has designed, for use in the K-12 English language arts program, three large paperback anthologies written to "highlight the richness of cultural heritage which is an integral part of Canada." They have succeeded in their intent and have produced a group of short stories and poems from different immigrant backgrounds chosen from submissions by Manitoba writers. Most of the entries are good, although a few do seem to have run away from their authors, but all should have appeal to the many cultures represented.

Celebrating new Canadians' arrivals to Manitoba, there is warmth and humour in many of the pieces. Some of the cultures represented are Icelandic, Ukrainian, Jewish, Polish, North American Indian, East Indian, German, Asian, Greek, Mennonite, English, and Dutch. Three of my favourite stories are "Thank you. So Kind," by Lyn Cockburn, about a Vietnamese on a city bus; "The China Teapot," by Beatrice Fines, about a lonely log cabin and the best of neighbours; and "The Blueberry Pickers," by S.G. Zatorsky, about hard work and pride. The stories would be good read aloud or used for study of multiculturalism. However, as they do not look like the usual recreational reading, they will need help to move in a library.

Gerri Young, Fort Nelson, B.C.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


The materials in this archive are copyright © The Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission Copyright information for reviewers

Young Canada Works