
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Linton, Marilyn.

Illustrated by Barbara Reid. Toronto, Kids Can Press, c 1986. 64pp, paper, spiral bound, $7.95, ISBN 0-92110302-6.CIP

Grades 3-9
Reviewed by Margaret Montgomery

Volume 15 Number 2
1987 March

These sixty-four pages include an index of three pages, a one-and-a-half page glossary of cooking words, a description of eight different cooking utensils, such as double boiler and spatula, and some tips and alternatives on using the microwave. All recipes are in both imperial and metric measurements. The contents include thirteen pages of cookies, eleven pages of cakes and pies, six pages of muffins and breads, eleven pages of snacks and shakes, and eight pages of old and new favourites, such as butter tarts. Brown Betty, and Chocolate Mousse. Most recipes are on a separate page, with the ingredients and utensils listed down the left-hand side and the method in numbered steps on the right. Instructions are clear. There are a few black-and-white sketches decorating some pages, along with eleven "did-you-know" bits of miscellany.

This is certainly not a health food book. Of the sixty or so recipes, at least seventeen contain chocolate in some form; virtually all contain sugar. There are also quantities of cream cheese, candy pieces, graham crackers, nuts, coconut, packaged cookies, condensed milk, and butter. In other words, these arc not economical recipes. However, there are not too many chances that these ingredients will be wasted. To give due credit, there are some fruit shakes, muffins, and a Fruity Pizza Pie included to balance the Chocolate Sundae Pie.

I did try out a couple of recipes and found them sweet lo my taste. I also checked many recipes against similar ones in standard cookbooks and found that the recipes are within accepted limits. The spiral binding allows the book 10 open flat on the counter, but is also somewhat fragile for libraries. Another Canadian children's cookbook, the

Anne of Green Gables Cookbook,* contains a dozen desserts, but has soup, salad, and chicken recipes as well. Susan Mendelson's Let Me in the Kitchen** contains plenty of treats, but also recipes for nutritious breakfasts, lunches, and salads.

This is a well-done cookbook of treats; useful for children whose parents will sec that nutritious food is eaten first and that the payments on the dental plan are up to date. This sort of cooking probably inspires many young cooks to begin to find a lifelong enjoyment in preparing food.

Margaret Montgomery, West Vernon E.S.,Vernon, B.C.

*Reviewed vol. XIV/4 July 1986 p.170.
**Reviewed vol. X/4 November 1982 p.238.

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