
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Edited by Jane Charlton.
Ottawa, ON: Citizens' Committee on Children, 1985.
looseleaf, $3.50.
ISBN 0-9690295-3-8. vol.4 no.1. Distributed by Citizens' Committee on Children. CIP.


Reviewed by Grace E. Funk.

Volume 14 Number 4
1986 July

The first three volumes of Children's Choices came out as single volume paperbacks. Volume 4 is in pamphlet form, for which a binder may be purchased ($4.00). It will be issued in four parts, to enable reviews to appear closer to the time of a title's publication. Accompanying number 1 is an eight-page leaflet of explanatory notes. The books are "Canadian books in English suitable as recreational reading for children aged three to fourteen," in other words, chiefly Canadian juvenile fiction. Each book is read by several child volunteers, who complete a "Reader's Report" of twenty-six questions. Their comments are summarized by an adult in three paragraphs that detail content, readers' reactions, and recommendation. Each review begins with "ages," "type of story," "setting," and "time." Following the review are samples of the comments, identified by age and sex of reader. Some reviews are further identified by symbols that indicate high Canadian content, French language editions, compelling story, suggested for travelling, or adult favourite. When compiled, the reviews are arranged into six groups, from the very popular (ninety per cent of readers) to those not enjoyed at all. Each installment is indexed; the final number of volume 4 will contain cumulative title, author, subject, and availability indexes to all four volumes.

The sixty-four books reviewed and so carefully presented in volume 4, number 1 have publication dates 1980-1984, chiefly 1983, in spite of the above intention.

The project seems to be done chiefly for parents. As a selection tool in schools, it comes too late for current selection but may serve as a checklist for items overlooked. One must, of course, remember that these are children's choices. In general, I found the choices predictable. As a reference tool on the shelf, I have found Children's Choices useful to show to parents looking for suggestions for children' s reading, or for gifts.

Grace E. Funk, Harwood E.C.S., Vernon, BC.
line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


The materials in this archive are copyright © The Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission Copyright information for reviewers

Young Canada Works