
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

National Film Board of Canada. Sound Filmstrip. 2-141 frames, colour, $80.00. (I. All My Colours 2. All My Friends) Includes 2 audio-cassettes, teacher's guide. Distributed by Mclntyre Educational Media, 30 Kelfield St., Rexdale.Ont., M9W5A2.

Grades 1-3
Reviewed by Alma Webster

Volume 14 Number 3
1986 May

"This kit has been designed to counteract existing preferences that limit communication between children of different ethnocultural groups and to generate positive feelings among peers of dissimilar backgrounds." It has been produced with the assistance of Multicultural Canada and multicultural consultants from Montreal and Toronto.

"All My Colours" aims to encourage children in the appreciation of the variety and beauty of different colours of people and to counteract negative associations with skin colour. The rainbow colours and the range of skin colour are the basis for a magical musical tale. Children of different races are shown sharing, loving, and caring. Then, as a little girl watches her friend painting, a magician appears and grants her wish to try to be different colours.

"All My Friends" has as its objectives to show that all children have many things in common, to teach an appreciation of the differences in people, and to counteract the stereotype that people from the same ethnocultural background are identical. Children from many different cultural groups play their musical instruments and sing together. Three interludes highlight unique differences in individuals.

The songs in each filmstrip (songs are used as the narrative) are catchy and easy to learn. They reinforce, very well, the message and action in the visuals. The singing is well suited to the young children with whom this set will be used, and their participation will be an added benefit and interest.

The technical quality of both the film-strips and cassettes are excellent. The teacher's guide should be very useful, containing as it does the complete script, words for the songs, "Follow-up Activities," and "Suggestions for Activilies Integrated with Subjects." Recommended.

Alma Webster, Edmonton, Alta.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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Young Canada Works