
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

vol. 1-, 1984--. Edmonton, Canadian Cryptics. 4 issues a year. $10.00. Distributed by Canadian Cryptics, P.O. Box 8624, Station L, Edmonton, Alta., T6C 4J4. Example: vol. 1, no. 2,1984.

Grades 9 and up
Reviewed by William Benson

Volume 14 Number 2
1986 March

Sharon Hildebrandt and the Edmonton Examiner have produced a very interesting educational magazine, Exploring Canada. The magazine is a combination of Canadian trivia with crossword puzzles and word searches. The major problem with the new magazine is it's humbling effect upon the reader. Think you know Canada? Try some of the crossword puzzles in Exploring Canada. You suddenly realize how little specific information you do have. The generalities you remember, but that specific name you need is annoyingly missing. I had a great deal of difficulty in doing the puzzles, but I would be the first to admit that I do not do this sort of activity well at the best of times.

The editor has done a good job of selecting a wide range of puzzles. The standard crossword and word searches are present, but there are also some interesting variations on a theme. The topics covered by the puzzles vary widely also, ranging from Canadian authors, to curling terms, to Canadian geography. If you are teaching any aspect of Canada in the high school, I feel this would be a good magazine to subscribe to. The problems included would certainly keep your students busy for many a period and could make your substitute's day much more pleasant.

William Benson, Alexander Park S.S., Golden, B.C.
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Young Canada Works