
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Wright, Eric.

London, Collins, c1985. 175pp,cloth, $17.95, ISBN 0-00-231970-5. Distributed by Collins Canada. CIP

Grades 11 and up
Reviewed by Jerry McDonnell

Volume 13 Number 6
1985 November

Inspector Charlie Salter of the Metropolitan Toronto Police and his wife are taking their first vacation in years in an attempt to bolster their somewhat shaky marriage. They have rented a car and are touring Britain when they are involved in a traffic accident. They must wait for the delivery of another vehicle and are greatly enjoying their stay at Boomewood Inn when the landlord is murdered. The local police seem to be bungling the case somewhat so Inspector Salter decides to help them. At first, the aid is welcomed, but relations become frosty for several reasons. It takes both Salter and the British police to finally put all of the pieces together. Along the way we meet a fine collection of characters, both eccentric and normal. The tale is one of intrigue, deception, and long-hidden secrets that keep the reader guessing about the final outcome.

In some ways, the Inspector is a typical first-time visitor to Britain, and his observations of manners and mores are both interesting and accurate. The selling is exotic, but the Canadian connection is very strong, and it makes the story both interesting and relevant to us. The book is recommended for adult recreational reading and for high school collections where there is interest in mystery stories in the senior grades.

Jerry McDonnell, F.E. Madill S.S., Wingham, Ont.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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