
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Robinson, Marita.

Toronto, Grosvenor House Press, c1984. 115pp, cloth, $19.95, ISBN 0-919959-05-9. CIP

Grades 3 and up
Reviewed by Dave Jenkinson

Volume 13 Number 6
1985 November

During 1985, the Girl Guides of Canada celebrated their seventy-fifth anniversary. With more than 300, 000 members plus some thirty thousand women volunteers, the association is the largest Canadian youth organization open to all girls between the ages of six and seventeen. The book serves to commemorate the anniversary by introducing those unfamiliar with Guiding to the rich history of the movement. It shows how Guiding's programs have continued to remain relevant to succeeding generations of Canadian girls through contributing to members" growth both while young and in their later lives. For those who were, at some point, members, the book also shows that Guiding has changed over the years but has still stayed true to its essential ideals.

More than half of the book's length is made up of black-and-white or coloured photographs. Some of the historical and contemporary photos are captioned, but others are not and are included solely to give a flavour of what Guiding was and is about. Robinson, who is also the editor of Canadian Guider magazine, has largely drawn her text from such sources as provincial histories of Guiding, various Guiding periodicals, and interviews with prominent and ordinary women who were once members of the Girl Guides of Canada.

Though the text is primarily aimed at an adult audience, the book still has a place in elementary school libraries and children's departments of public libraries for the present Brownies and Guides who would enjoy seeing their history.

Dave Jenkinson, Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man.
line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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Young Canada Works