
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Ian Wallace and Angela Wood.
Toronto, ON: Kids Can Press, 1985.
unpaged, paper, $4.95.
ISBN 0-919964-02-8. CIP.

Subject Headings:
Children of immigrants-Juvenile fiction.
Italian Canadian children-Juvenile fiction.
Sandwiches-Juvenile fiction.

Grades 2-5 / Ages 7-10

Reviewed by Joan Weller.

Volume 13 Number 5
1985 September

After ten years and five printings The Sandwich is not stale. The ingredients (the story) are the same, only the bread (the format) is somewhat different.

A young grade 2 urban Toronto boy's "stinky meat" sandwich of provolone and mortadella upsets his friends at the school lunch table as they consume their popular peanut butter and jam sandwiches. Proud of his Italian heritage but yearning to regain his lost friends, Vincenzo turns to his father for help. The parent's positive advice fortifies the young boy and wins his classmates' respect plus their liking for his lunch. The text is that of the 1975 original edition, except that "Mamma" replaces "Momma." Enhancing the good text are the original whimsical blue-and-white line drawings with the text now printed in matching blue-on-stark-white paper. But the best artistic change has been made to the cover. Here one sees an attractive coloured photograph of a handsome Vincenzo and his famous lunch. This cover will attract readers. The book with its important message of tolerance, family solidarity, and pride in one's background is still as relevant today as it was a decade ago. Now in its new cover The Sandwich should stay fresh and be included in all libraries and homes.

Joan Weller, Ottawa Public Library, Ottawa, ON.
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Young Canada Works