
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Gilliland, Jillian Hulme and Mary Alice Downie.

Richmond Hill (Ont.). Scholastic-Tab Publications, c1984. 65pp, paper, $2.95. ISBN 0-590-71227-6. CIP

Grades 1-6
Reviewed by Nadiya Blaine

Volume 13 Number 3
1985 May

As a craft book for primary children, Stones & Cones has an attractive, colourful cover and excellent , explicit illustrations. It is possible to rely on the illustrations to show how each piece is made, as it seems the author intended, for the written instructions sometimes do not go into enough detail. In an attempt to keep the instructions simple and easy to understand, I feel that some details are sacrificed.

The crafts found in this book range from the very simple "Pebble Paperweights" (colouring pebbles with crayons) to "Corn Husk Witches and Pumpkinheads," the most advanced craft described here. All materials are normally found in the home or the classroom, thus, expensive purchases are precluded. The list of materials for each craft appears at the top of the page.

Unfortunately, there are no new ideas in this book. All the crafts or variations have, at one time or another, appeared in craft magazines or books. Some of the crafts, for example, "Daisy Crown," which shows how to make a daisy chain, have been made by children for generations.

Nadiya Blaine, Bertie E.S., Ridgeway, Ont.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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