
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Mavrow, Cecilia.

Illustrated by Thach Bui. Toronto, Three Trees Press, c1984. 50pp, paper, ISBN 0-88823-081-8 (cloth) $11.95, 0-88823-079-6 (paper) $4.95. CIP

Grades 3-5
Reviewed by Enid Dorward

Volume 13 Number 2
1985 March

A safari! Tim (alias Rafe), a member of his school's safari club, had actually won a safari trip to Africa! He hoped to meet Tarzan, and was told by his friends to bring back a souvenir, to prove that he'd really been there.

He travelled with Sutton, the cook, and met his guide, Akbar (a Swede) in Africa. Their adventures were many and humorous, ranging from being chased in their Jeep by a rhinoceros to being bitten by an asp, to meeting a man called Tarzan Smith who certainly wasn't like the comic book hero. "Rafe" and his companions travelled many bumpy miles in the Jeep, collected a genuine souvenir (the asp), and returned home very satisfied with the whole affair. It had been the trip of a lifetime, but nothing was the way "Rafe" expected it to be.

Youngsters who like adventure and humour will be sure to enjoy this story. It is told in an amusing tongue-in-cheek style, and the drawings add to the fun. Recommended.

Enid Dorward, Winnipeg, Man.
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