
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Mineau, Marion.

Windsor (Ont.), Black Moss Press, n.d. unpaged, paper, $5.95, ISBN 0-88753-111-3.

Grades K-3
Reviewed by Enid Dorward

Volume 13 Number 2
1985 March

It all started when Rose was sent to borrow a loaf of bread from her aunt. On the way home, she played along a roadside ditch and accidentally dropped the bread into the murky water. She tried everything she could think of to get that bread out of the ditch, but nothing worked. Finally she just gave up and had fun playing with it. When she arrived home, she lied to her father, telling him that her aunt didn't have any bread. However, he had watched her playing with the loaf, and he laughed and told her she should just be herself.

Rose was a delightful girl, with a sense of duty and an even stronger sense of fun. She got into her predicament by fooling around and not paying attention, but her father forgave her lie because he had seen how much fun she was having. Children, no doubt, will readily identify with the way it is so easy to get into such a predicament, and they will appreciate the sense of humour and fairness in Rose's father.

The illustrations are amusing and suit the tone of the story very well. This is an attractive little book and a charming story. Recommended.

Enid Dorward, Winnipeg, Man.
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