Jim Nelford.
Toronto, Methuen, c1984.
Volume 12 Number 6
This book is based on Canadian Jim Nelford's golfing experiences, for the most part, during his six years on the Professional Golfers Association Tour. Nelford is quite candid about his self doubts and lack of confidence as he struggled to establish himself among the world's best golfers. His description of life on the professional tour is quite interesting, but it becomes bogged down by his preoccupation with the problems of his golf swing. A brief 1982 tour journal, black-and-white photos, and Nelford's PGA Tour player's record are included, but there really is not enough content here for a full book. Nelford should have waited until he had spent more than six rather uneventful years on the pro tour before attempting to recount his experiences. John Mitchell, Centennial C. V. I., Guelph, ON. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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