
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

vol. 1-, 1975-. Toronto, Heritage Canada Foundation.
Distributed by Heritage Canada, Box 1358, Station B, Ottawa, ON,K1P 5R4.
5 issues a year, $16.00.
ISSN 0225-1455.

Example: December 1983-January 1984.

Grades 10 and up.
Reviewed by Mollie Hooper.

Volume 12 Number 3
1984 May

As the title suggests, Canadian Heritage is a magazine basically devoted to the preservation of heritage buildings and areas of natural scientific interest, i.e., farms, estates, archaeological communities, etc.

The format is excellent: size, 8x11 inches, glossy but not too extreme, the type is easy to read, titles are eye and interest catching, advertising is minimal (about five of the total fifty pages), in good taste and chiefly concentrated at the back of the magazine.

There is a diversification of subject matter that should make it appeal to a fairly wide sector of Canadian readers. The articles are well written by experts in their field in a language levelled at professionals and lay readers. They appear to be well researched. From this copy, it would seem that each issue will attempt to publish something of interest to people all across Canada.

The index is well set up, divided into specific areas, each accompanied by the title plus a very brief summary of the corresponding article. A random sample of the index (five out of the ten divisions):

"Profile"-"0ttawa's White Knight" (Why Stan White won the 1983 Gab-rielle Léger Medal.);

"Conservation News"—"Cross-Canada Survey" (current happenings and opinions on the Canadian scene);

"Communities"-"The Turning Tide at Paspébiac" (on the Gaspé coast, the one-time capital of cod now baits a tourist hook);

"Archaeology"-"People of the Whalebone Houses" (in the prehistoric north, the igloo was not the only form of shelter);

"Nuts & Bolts"-"Take it all off!" (advice on when and how to strip interior paintwork).

Another good feature of this magazine is the photography. Each article is accompanied by coloured and/or black-and-white pictures or illustrations. Also a subscription to Canadian Heritage brings automatic membership in the foundation. There are special subscription rates for groups. It is a good buy for individuals, senior classrooms, and libraries.

Mollie Hooper, Qualicum Beach, BC.
line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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Young Canada Works