
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Darryl Borden.
Art by Lynn Smith

Toronto, Annick Press, c1983.
unpaged, paper, $10.95 (paperbound boards), $4.95 (paper).
ISBN 0-920236-78-2 (paperbound boards), 0-920236-76-2 (paper).

K-Grade 2.
Reviewed by Enid Dorward.

Volume 12 Number 2
1984 March

Little kids usually think they'd like to be grown-up, so that they can do whatever they want. So did the little kid who tells this story, until she noticed that adults do not do such things as climbing trees, rolling down hills, or playing in the dirt. Then she decided that little kids Really can do lots of things and that she was happy to be what she is.

The text is very brief and is printed in a clear type suitable for primary children. The cover is bright and attractive, and the paper used is smooth and pleasant to the touch. However, the fascinating thing about this book is the colourful illustrations. They consist of a kind of collage, a clever combination of photographs and drawings. For example, clothing is drawn or photographed, then cut out and pasted to , the background. People's faces are painted, but the facial features are cut out of photographs and glued on. In the background of most of the pictures are cut-outs of cars, from the forties and earlier vintages to late-model sporty ones. In some pictures, girls and women are shown engaged in activities that once were considered for boys and men only, e.g., there is a female telephone line-person.

Youngsters will identify with the "little kid" who tells the story, and young and old alike will enjoy the excellent illustrations. Highly recommended.

Enid Dorward, Winnipeg, MB.
line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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Young Canada Works