
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Karen Kain.

Toronto, Doubleday, c1983.
176pp, cloth, $24.95.
ISBN 0-385-188544.

Grades 9 and up.
Reviewed by Elizabeth Woodger.

Volume 12 Number 2
1984 March

A principal dancer with the National Ballet of Canada, Karen Kain is widely known as an attractive and vital woman. Here she shares information about her exercise program in a beautifully-photographed section that takes the reader from the initial warm-up to the final cool-down. She makes suggestions for a beginner's program that may be developed into a more demanding advanced one.

This publication is, however, more than an exercise book. In collaboration with a team of experts, Kain has included chapters on make-up techniques, on the importance of fitness, and on posture. The chapter on nutrition and weight control is a must for women who constantly diet and wonder whether they are actually providing all the nutrients they need for good health. A selection of favourite recipes shows how the principles of nutrition can be put into practice.

Tips on skin and hair care are provided, along with information about looking after the hands and feet. The author discusses stress and puts forth suggestions for handling it. These are meaningful when we consider that they come from a person who copes constantly with irregular hours, travel, and the strain of performing.

Karen Kain's Fitness and Beauty Book provides more information for the reader than Jane Fonda's Workout Book. However, the availability of a workout record with music and directions makes the Jane Fonda book attractive to the potentially fit. Kain might be well advised to provide her own record instead of giving general suggestions about choosing music. Highly recommended for purchase by public and high school libraries.

Elizabeth Woodger, Msgr. Doyle J. H. S., Cambridge, ON.
line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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