
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Terry Stafford.

Fort Langley (BC), Children's Studio Books, c1983.
Distributed by Children's Studio Books, Box 438, Fort Langley, BC, VOX 1JO.
unpaged, paper, $6.98.
ISBN 0-9691404-0-1.

Terry Stafford.
Reviewed by Fran Newman.

Volume 12 Number 2
1984 March

Primary teachers will welcome this simple paperback as a resource for their unit on the family. Those children who have little sisters (or brothers) or wish they did, will be nodding heads and bursting to tell "their" sibling story as the reading continues. This could lead into class or individual brother or sister books.

Here, Amie is the older and she tells her story in present tense from the time she can feel "Mummy's big tummy" until her baby sister is about two, Anika smiles for Amie, listens to her older sister talk and sing to her and enjoys the games they play together. Sometimes Amie feels left out, but there's always Daddy to do wonderful things with. Although Amie says near the end "Sometimes having a baby sister is hard," this author does not mention any of the negative aspects (other than having to keep your things out of reach). Sibling rivalry is very real, and many readers have felt its ugly force. But Amie cheerfully learns baby safety and child psychology: substitute something else for unsuitable objects.

Because Terry Stafford is a leader in the La Leche League (an association to promote and encourage nursing mothers), she manages to include this part of baby life in the story. It would be safe to assume that these are her children, that one really did call nursing "Mommy-juice" and the other "Milky."

The illustrations are line drawings except for the cover, which has some pink. Pauline LeBlanc, Family Life Educator, Canadian Director of Leaders, La Leche League International, says on the back cover "Parents and children will enjoy this charming book about becoming and being a sister or brother. It is warm and down to earth and the "no-longer babies" will identify with their story." I concur.

Fran Newman, Spring Valley P. S., Brighton, ON.
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