
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Selected by Matt Cohen and David Young.

Toronto, Coach House Press, c1983.
101pp, paper, $7.50.
ISBN 0-88910-249-X.

Grades 9 and up.
Reviewed by Adele L. Massena.

Volume 12 Number 1
1984 January

The Dream Class, established in 1979, includes one gifted writing student from each of the North York Board of Education's high schools. The anthology contains fifty-seven works of fiction by twenty students; each student contributed from one to seven items varying in length from a few lines to a few pages. Some of the pieces are short stories, while others are almost poetry.

None of the works could be considered ordinary, but, while many show great insight or wit, others struck this reviewer as aimless and boring. However, the variety is striking in both styles and topics. The students explore interpersonal relationships, make detailed observations, and create interesting scenarios.

No mention is made of how the pieces in this book were selected. It would be worth knowing whether they were deemed the best, the most representative, the most diverse, or if they were chosen at random. The anthology is a publication of the project's mid-term results; its aim is thus to encourage other, similar programs, while helping to make known the writing of those young people whose work is included. Suitable for use in a creative writing class, this book's varied contents will stimulate discussion and attempts at new techniques and styles. It appears to be bound solidly enough to withstand a year's use by a student. Teachers should examine a copy first to ensure they would feel comfortable using the book and to ascertain how much they would use it.

Adele L. Massena, Kingston, ON.
line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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Young Canada Works