
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Fran Handman.
Illustrated by Robin Baird Lewis.

Toronto, Annick Press, c1983.
(Polka Dot Door Books).
unpaged, paper, $10.95 (paperbound boards), $4.95 (paper).
ISBN 0-920236-52-9 (paperbound boards), 0-920236464 (paper).

Pre-School-Grade 3.
Reviewed by Enid Dorward.

Volume 11 Number 6.
1983 November.

King Millikin of Minnikin asked a lot of questions—and always answered them himself! One day, when he asked why he had stubbed his toe, his answer was that it was because he was walking on his feet rather than his hands. So, he decreed that everyone in the kingdom must walk on his hands. His subjects were unhappy, but they obeyed their king. Eventually some of them became so unhappy that they staged a protest near the palace. The king asked his chief adviser why they were carrying signs and why no one applauded him or played music any more. This time, he let his adviser answer the question and thus realized that it was all because of his decree. At once, he told his subjects that they could walk on their feet again, and everyone was much happier. The king learned that he should let his advisers answer when he asked questions, and he promised not to make silly rules any more.

Primary-age children will enjoy this story of the king who made a silly rule and will no doubt have fun speculating on the various difficulties that would be encountered if people really had to walk on their hands. Some of those difficulties are humorously depicted in Lewis's coloured drawings that face each page of the text. They might also gain some appreciation for the fact that careful thought should be given to rules that are made, whether at home or at school. Recommended for primary grades.

Fran Newman, Spring Brighton, ON.
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