
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Edited by Ernie Regehr and Simon Rosenblum.

Toronto, James Lorimer, c1983.
268pp, paper, $12.95.
ISBN 0-88862-634-7.

Grades 10 and up.
Reviewed by John D. Crawford.

Volume 11 Number 6.
1983 November.

In a world beset by problems, perhaps the most immediate is that created by the growing destructive potential of nuclear weapons. In this volume, a collection of essays covers many facets of the topic, placing a distinct emphasis on the impact that Canada has had and could have on the nuclear arms race. The contributors are from a variety of political backgrounds, and each makes an individual statement on a particular feature of the topic. The general effect is to utter a dire warning of the dangers inherent in the present situation. The text is objective, given the awesome nature of the problem, with few words wasted on histrionics. Indeed, the facts are sufficiently dramatic in themselves to offset any need for exaggeration.

One understanding engendered by this book is that the nuclear arms race is a people problem rather than a government problem. People can see it in relatively simple terms, governments view it as being a much more complex matter. What is also made clear is that it is a matter of international concern and that the Canadian contribution towards a solution should be made not only locally but also through support for international agencies.

The separate essays are well-written in their own particular styles. A few are perhaps more technical than the average reader may like, while some others are written in strikingly simple terms. There is a very good index, while references and a further reading list will help the reader who seeks further information. This is the year of the cruise missile in Canada. This fine book should be seen not as a propaganda tool but as an attempt to warn and inform Canadians of a problem that simply cannot be ignored.

John D. Crawford, Frank Hobbs E. S., Victoria, BC.
line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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