
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Kathy Stinson.
Art by Robin Baird.

Toronto, Annick Press, c1983.
(Annick Toddler series).
unpaged, paper, $10.95 (paperbound boards), $4.95 (paper).
ISBN 0-920236-30-8 (paperbound boards), 0-920236-32-4 (paper).

Pre-School-Grade 1.
Reviewed by Sally Davis.

Volume 11 Number 5.
1983 September.

Picture books portraying concepts in a manner identifiable to a young child are a welcome addition to any library that includes children below the first grade in its clientele. In this book, the concept of big and little is referring to a child's feelings about himself. He is "big" if he can button his shirt, take care of his baby sister, and remember to take his books back to the library on time. But when he can't reach the door bell, gets-lost in the supermarket between the raisins and the bread, or wets his bed occasionally, he is "little."

Stinson has published an earlier book for the young child called Red Is Best.* The illustrator for both books is Robin Baird Lewis, who adds warmth and liveliness to the texts. In this book, he unmistakably pictures the satisfaction or disappointment of a little boy's feelings of being at one time "big" and another time "little."

*Reviewed vol. XI/1 January 1983 p.33.

Sally Davis, St. John's, NL.
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Young Canada Works