
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Toronto, Globe/ Modern Curriculum Press, c1983.
158pp, paper, $7.95.
ISBN 0-88996-066-6.

Grades 9-11.
Reviewed by Pat Bolger.

Volume 11 Number 2.
1983 March.

The organization of this anthology is admirable: the selections are arranged in seven broad divisions by type and then further subdivided, for example, "New Directions" has free verse, imagist, and experimental poetry. Sir Walter Scott, Frost, Atwood, Souster, Service, Keats, and Birney are represented by several poems in individual "focus" sections. Of over one hundred poets represented, close to half are Canadians, with a slight bias in favour of our newer authors. A single quibble: should we continue to include W. H. Drummond's "habitant" poems in school texts?

The format is attractive; the book's large pages, about note-book size, allow double columns of large, well-spaced print. Each of the "focus" sections provides a sketch of the poet, and double-page photo collage spreads introduce each one. There is an index of authors, giving dates and nationality, and Questions are provided at the end of each sub-section. Although the range of selections might suggest more mature readers, the questions seem designed for junior high school grades. (The idea of "setting the room up as the Malamute saloon" is not one to propose to some senior students!)

Poetry in Focus will be useful in the high school library or classroom when students or teachers are looking for poems by Canadians or for selections of poems with a common theme. A fresh new face among the poetry anthologies!

Pat Bolger, Renfrew C. I., Renfrew, ON.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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Young Canada Works