
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Florence Novelli.

Toronto, Playwrights Canada, c1981.
23pp, paper, $3.50.
ISBN 0-88754-258-1.

Grades 1-4.
Reviewed by Jane Robinson.

Volume 11 Number 2.
1983 March.

Magic, humour, and action in these two musicals combine to make delightful performances for children by both high school and professional children's theatre groups. The themes are overly familiar-bad is transformed at the hands of good-but the universal appeal of the characters and the originality of the music offer a possible alternative to more classical plays of the same nature.

Itchy, Snitchy and Boo has many elements of a successful fairy tale. Boo, a two-hundred-year-old wizard, uses magic to prevent the marriage of the beautiful princess he wants for himself. Itchy and Snitchy, two jealous hags, further complicate the action in their attempt to lure Boo's attention away from the princess. But Boo learns the error of his bad-tempered ways from one of the beasts of the forest, and all ends well.

The second play has a more imaginative plot in the same mystical forest setting. Misty, the little lost cloud is grounded by the egotistical North Wind. It is the gentler powers of the South Wind and her earthly friends, both human and animal, that teach him ^and the audience) the value of all God's creations. They use magic and trickery to achieve this in a whirlwind of action, music, and humour.

The audience participates throughout both plays. They are depended upon for information and opinions, an interaction that establishes an effective communication between themselves and the characters.

Both plays have been performed in Toronto, and the playwright and the composer are experienced in their respective fields. The text provides everything necessary for production including the music scores. Not an essential purchase for a well-stocked library of children's plays, but certainly entertaining.

Jane Robinson, Christ the King School, Winnipeg, MB.
line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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Young Canada Works