
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Herb Walker and Lois Walker.
Illustrations by Debbie Porter.

Ottawa, Puppcorn Productions, c1981.
Distributed by Puppcorn Productions, Box 6787, Station J, Ottawa, ON, K2A3Z4.
66pp, paper, spiral bound, $5.95.
ISBN 0-9691088-0-X.

Grades 10 and up.
Reviewed by Margaret Montgomery.

Volume 11 Number 1.
1983 January.

         Pupp for puppets you can make
         Corn for corny writing style.

Addressed to teachers and parents who want to help kids make puppets without spending money, the book has ten sections discussing ten types of materials for making "junk" puppets: paper bags, cardboard tubes, milk cartons, cereal boxes, burger boxes, stuffed paper bags, disposable cups, detergent bottles, and a couple of variations on the themes. There are photos of the authors with some of their creations, many showing puppets not discussed specifically in the book, thus providing more ideas for puppet makers.

Directions for making the puppets are simple and clear and illustrated with drawings. Kids can make most of the puppets on their own, I think. Each section concludes with a "camp puppcorn" idea, that is making the puppets using nature hike findings. A couple of days ago, I saw a teacher walking into this school with a boxful of "junk" for an art project, a sign of the way things are right now, what with the twin concerns for recycling and for restraint. This book should be useful and used. I have a book called Puppets for Play Production by Nancy Renfro; it contains many more ideas along the same line but is out of print. For students ages ten and up plus adult group leaders.

Margaret Montgomery, West Vemon ES, Vernon, BC.
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